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Wide forest tracks and a reasonably ascending profile lead you to the highest point of the Réseau Vert ®. The roof of the Hérault is 1,124 metres high at the summit of the Espinouse. Take the time to walk to the orientation table and back to get an exact measure of the surrounding terrain. This is also where the Agoût river has its source, which you will find again at La Salvetat-sur-Agoût at the end of the route.
Giving life to the Caroux and Espinouse landscapes was the dream of a few enthusiasts who acclimatised the mouflon in the 1960s. Thanks to the National Hunting and Wildlife Reserve and the understanding of local hunters, there are now 1,700 mouflons, the largest population in France.

In a landscape of moors and peat bogs, in the middle of coniferous forests and meadows, the commune of Cambon-et-Salvergues conceals a beautiful heritage of traditional mountain architecture: stone buildings, slate roofs... Of Roman foundation, the hamlet of Salvergues has been patiently restored, as have the remains of Saint-Pierre-de-l'Espinouse, the highest Romanesque church in the département


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