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Prémian is situated in the heart of the Somail and Caroux valleys.

At the crossroads of the transhumance routes, the commune has a landscape marked by agricultural activities on both sides of the Jaur valley, between the site of Trédos and the lake of Vesoles.

In spring, the cherry trees transform the valley into a white landscape.

Numerous footpaths allow you to explore the superb surrounding countryside in search of menhirs, Neolithic sites and high places of resistance ("Chemin de la mémoire" of Rouvials) 1st maquis of the Hérault called "Jean Grandel".
Le Chemin des Légendes (1,000 steps (GR77)) is a very famous hike for the viewpoints and the numerous waterfalls which mark out its route. The Saut de Vesoles is an artificial reservoir which supplies the hydroelectric plant, fed by the "Bureau" stream which drains the vast peat bogs between the Bane and Cabarétou passes.
The dense forests are reflected in the deep blue waters of this mountain lake.
The path around the banks allows you to discover the Saut de Vesoles, where the stream rushes into the void.

Village of culture and history, Prémian has transformed its former agricultural cooperative into a cultural and artistic activity centre ( Au fil des Arts).


Altitude: 256m / Superficy: 1 669 inhabitants / 508 inhabitants




:: Dolmens at Ichis, pic de las Campanes.
:: Lake of Vesoles : Auround the lake of Vesoles, Saut de Vesoles, old farm of Campblanc and strawbedder with broom roof in Farrals. 
:: 18th century church with painting of Saint Sebastian, 18th/19th century, lectern
:: Clock tower, ancient municipal fountain.
:: Site of the school and the town hall, former spinning mill 1840.
:: System of canals to power the old spinning mill.
:: 18th/19th century bridge over the river Jaur.
:: Ruins of the 12th century Clix Tower, known as the Albisse Tower, on a Roman road.

Cityhall information

Impasse Lou-Ceries
34390 Prémian
Opening hours
From Monday to Friday: from 8.30am to 12pm
04 67 97 06 40
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